
Nexira Opens a New Chapter “Trees of Life”

The Trees of Life of Tunisia

After the series on the Trees of the Sahel, photographer Nicolas Henry went to discover the “Trees of Life” in Tunisia: the cactus and their fruits, the wild and centuries-old olive trees, as well as the carob trees.

This project goes beyond capturing the beauty of these trees. It also aims to showcase Nexira’s commitment to organic and sustainable agriculture.

This commitment contributes to environmental protection through a natural production method that respects the various principles of organic farming. This cultivation method also helps fight against desertification by limiting erosion and enriching biodiversity.

A story

Nicolas Henry also tells the story of these trees in Tunisia and the communities that depend on them. His work is a tribute to nature and to the efforts of these people to preserve it.

Nicolas Puillet, our Group Purchasing Director for Nutrition, Health & Specialty Ingredients, was on-site to support the photographer and his assistant in the harvest areas.

Present in the field until next week, Nicolas Henry is regularly sharing the preparation of the photos in this surprising and magnificent landscape. Nicolas is also happy to count on the spontaneous participation of many Tunisians in the photo preparations.

Follow the adventure on our LinkedIn!

Our ingredients from Tunisia

cactus sourcing

The trees that Nicolas Henry is immortalizing are a deep source of inspiration for us. Many of our ingredients come from these harvest regions and have been part of our premium selection for some twenty years.

  • Oli-Ola™: 100% natural olive extract from centuries-old olive trees, rich in hydroxytyrosol for cardiovascular health.
  • Cactinea™: an extract from the fruit of the cactus Opuntia ficus-indica, designed for slimming.
  • Neopuntia™: pure cactus powder, ideal for natural weight management.
  • Naltive™: a complete range of carob gum, a natural texturizer for various applications.

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