acacia gum

📽️ Watch our New Video Introducing the Acacia Program

Learn more about the Acacia Program

Nexira’s Acacia Program has a long-standing commitment to preserving natural resources, supporting local communities, and promoting sustainable development. For over a decade, Nexira has worked in Chad in collaboration with SOS Sahel, and its partners to protect the acacia resource, enhance the lives of local populations, and promote sustainability. Key achievements include increase of acacia gum production, reforestation efforts, action in favor of biodiversity through assisted natural regeneration, or improved cooking stoves.

Learn more about the Acacia Program achievements in our new video:

Nexira Launches the third phase of its Acacia Program

The phase 3 of the Acacia Program focuses on strengthening the gum acacia sector with more producers involved, a particular benefit for women, and a greater surface of responsible forest management. Key objectives include the involvement of 200 villages and 50,000 producers and the work on 300,000 ha of sustainably managed forest. In addition, this phase of the Acacia Program could sequester over 60,000 tCO2e of emissions annually. Download our new report to learn more:

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Photo credit: Inza DagnogoSOS SAHEL

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