Honoring the Acacia Program: ‘Trees of Life’ Exhibition at Paris Photoclimat Biennial 2023
In order to showcase their partnership, Nexira and SOS SAHEL embarked on an innovative artistic project in collaboration with the ByArt agency and the photographer artist Nicolas Henry, who went on a residency in Chad and Senegal to narrate this extraordinary and positive story through the exhibition “Trees of Life.”

Paris Photoclimat Biennial, place du Palais Royal September 14 – October 15, 2023

The Acacia Program
Driven by the common desire to build a responsible world by improving the living conditions of producers, SOS SAHEL and Nexira launched the Acacia program 15 years ago. This project, which consists of agroforestry and reconstruction of ecosystems, makes it possible to bring entire regions back to life. This extraordinary collaboration proves that it’s possible to reconcile economic performance with a responsible society in a region where the environment is known to be extremely fragile.

A Unique Partnership

When photographer Nicolas Henry learned of this unique partnership, he decided he wanted to create images that would tell this inspiring, extraordinary story. Having received an invitation from Nexira, Nicolas embarked on a residency in Chad and Senegal, hosted by SOS SAHEL.
Trees of Life
Nicolas returned with an incredible series of photos entitled “TREES OF LIFE” (“ARBRES DE VIE”). The images of Nexira’s iconic product, Acacia, as well as those of the Baobab and Balanites. These trees make it possible to stop the advance of an uninhabitable desert, providing the local medicinal ingredients from which modern science draws a vast amount of knowledge. The harvest of the Acacia, Baobab, and Balanites trees – and the trade of their products – provide additional crucial income to the producers, in particular, the women of the Sahel region. The results of the harvest comprise a large sector of consumable products and are a vital resource for all of humanity

PhotoClimat Biennal – Paris

His photos will be exhibited at the PHOTOCLIMAT Biennial in Paris, a free open-air festival accessible to all. Its aim is to give visibility to NGOs and Foundations using the medium of photographic art to document their daily actions. Discover the “TREES OF LIFE” series by N. Henry and SOS SAHEL on the Place du Palais Royal in Paris from September 14 to October 15, 2023…
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