Nexira’s Solutions for MCT Encapsulation
It is possible to emulsify and encapsulate MCT, creating a water dispersible powder. Odorless & flavorless, MCT powders can be easily incorporated in Foods, Beverages, Mixes and Supplements.
Acacia gum is the perfect carrier for the encapsulation of MCT oils. With its strong expertise in acacia gum, Nexira has developed a wide range of solutions enabling the production of powders containing oil loads of 40-75%.
Distinctive advantages of Acacia Gum as carrier:
- Natural & organic
- Plant-based
- Non-GMO
- Low caloric value
- High-oil-load up to75% of MCT
For MCT powders with the best health benefits, Nexira recommends specifically Fibregum™ (acacia fiber) for its 90% fiber* content & its strong prebiotic benefits.
The Rising MCT Market

Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) are saturated fatty acids. Coconut and palm kernel oils are the main MCT sources. Use of MCT has grown as health conscious consumers seek its effects as a source of energy & fat burner. According to Innova, the number of New Product Launches with MCT have increased by 60% between 2013 and 2018¹.
MCT are largely used in the keto diet. The ketogenic diet is a high-fat (70%-80%) & low protein & carbohydrate eating plan, which is trending in the market due to its popularity for aiding in weight-loss. The global ketogenic diet foodmarket was valued at USD 9 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach USD 12 billion in 2024.²
Applications of MCT
Sports Nutrition – MCT are lipids that can be more rapidly absorbed & metabolised than long chain triglycerides. – MCT properties for energetic metabolism and sport performance have been highlighted in human.3,4 – They can be incorporated in instant beverages. | Weight Management – Studies in human have demonstrated that MCT could promote energy expenditure, fat burning and weight loss.5,6 – MCT have also been reported to promote satiety and reduce food intake.7,8 | Cognitive Health – Administration of MCT can initiate circulating ketones, which are bio-available source of energy for brain. – MCT benefits on cognitive functions have been demonstrated in human.9,10 |
[1]: Innova Market Insights, [2]: Mordor Intelligence, Ketogenic Diet Food Market Report, 2019 – 2024, [3]: Lambert et al. 2001, [4]: Nosaka 2009 & 2018, [5]: St Onge et al. 2003 & 2008, [6]: Nosaka 2003 [7]: Kinsella et al. 2017, [8] Colmeman et al. 2016, [9]: Yeh et al. 1976, [10]: Courchesne-Loyer et al. 2013
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